Troopons - Coupons for Troops
The Support Our Troops® Troopons® program enhances the well-being of overseas and domestic military families by sending them food, non-food, baby, and pet manufacturer coupons to make their hard-earned dollars go farther.
What are Troopons? Troopons® are what you can do with coupons you don't use! Send them to the troops overseas! It's an easy way to make a big difference in their lives.
How can Homemakers help? Your unused and even expired or soon to expire coupons donated to Taylor County Homemakers will be mailed for distribution to the military installations for use.
If you would like to help:
- Cut out the coupons.
- Sort coupons into two piles by status:
- Expired. Not expired more than 2 months. (e.g. if today’s date is 3/1/2018, coupons expiration date that is not older than 1/1/2018.)
- Unexpired. At least two months of life left.
3. Sort each of those two piles into four piles by type:
- Food items
- Non-food items
- Baby food/items
- Pet items (like dog food)
4. Stuff them into plastic baggies or clip them together.
5. Write the status (Expired or Unexpired) and the type (food, non-food, baby, or pet) on them.
6. Turn these into the Extension Office
Good Coupons
- Only "Manufacturer's Coupons" can be used.
- They can be from the newspaper, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere as long as they state "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them.
Bad Coupons
- No assistance vouchers
- No food stamps
- No store coupons (i.e. Krogers, Walmart)
- No restaurant coupons
- No Internet coupons
Thank you for helping our US military families.
Cindy Williams, Chair
Management & Safety
Taylor County Extension Homemakers